Child Care Leave Mobile Friendly Software for Telngana Women Employees

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Enter Details below
Name of the Employee:
Father Name:
Employee ID:
Cell No:
Name of the working School:
Type of the DDO:
Name Of The DDO Office:
Name Of The DDO:
Qualifications Of The DDO:
Period of Leaves:FromToAlready Taken No.of Leaves
Number of Days:
Phase / Spell:
Purpose of the Leave:
1st Child Name and D.O.B :
2nd Child Name and D.O.B :

TS Child Care Leave G.O.Ms.No. 209 Dated: 21-11-2016 Highlights

1.Women employees of the State Government having minor children be granted Child Care Leave, by the authority competent to grant leave, for a period of three (3) months, not exceeding 15 days in any spell, in the entire service to look after two eldest children upto the age of 18 years (22 years in case of disabled children) for any of their needs like examinations, sickness etc., subject to the following conditions:
2. Child Care leave of three months can be sanctioned in not less than 6 spells to look after two eldest children up to the age of 18 years and in case of disabled children up to 22 years. The Child Care leave shall be permitted only if the child is dependent on and residing with the Government servant.
3. LTC cannot be availed during the Child Care Leave.
4. The Women employees shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.
5. Child Care Leave may be combined with leave of any kind due and admissible, except LTC
6. The existing facility of maternity leave up to 180 days is separate from the Child Care Leave and the Child Care leave may be sanctioned in continuation of maternity leave or any other leave, other than Casual Leave and Spl.Casual leave.
7. Maximum Days are 15, Minimum Days are 01.

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